To change the default email notification address in Canvas:
Step 2: Click or tap Settings.
Step 3: Click or tap the Email Address link.
Step 4: Type your email into the Email Address textbox.
Step 5: Click or tap the Register Email button.
Step 6: Access the email inbox and follow the directions in the message to confirm ownership of the email address.
Final step: In the Ways to Contact section, click or tap the star to select the preferred default email address.
This was helpful. I am assuming that the default email is the email of the instructor. Wondering under which conditions would it have to change.
Since we are in the student view, I was thinking the "stared" email will be the address that we as an instructor would use to communicate with the student.
I receive about 100 messages a day. I would like to have my high school email address as my default until I am actually teaching a dual credit course at JJC in the fall of 2021. Is this recommended?
I like the stared email. I think it will be helpful to students.
This was very helpful. Thanks
I will do that.
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