To reply to a discussion:
Step 1: Access a course.

Step 2: In the Course Navigation, click or tap Discussions.

Step 3: Click or tap the title of the Discussion topic.

Step 4: Click or tap the Reply textbox.

Step 5: In the Rich Content Editor, copy and paste, or type reply.

Final Step: Click or tap the Reply button.

This was helpful. During a module discussion, is it just students that take part in the discussion or the instructor does to. I ask because friends I know taking online classes it seems only students take part in discussion once module is uploaded by professor
Richard Harty
Thanks, also
Susan Z. Step by step.
There seems to be a consistent method to find and use a section of iCampus. I need that so that I'm not continually searching for a path to the module.
That was easy!
This discussion board is a great idea! Talk to you later. Stay safe everyone.
I think that both the students and the teacher can participate in a discussion. I feel like my role would be to prompt the students to consider a topic from a different angle.
That one was very good.
I need to use this more often.
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